1. Look at the stem of an avocado to determine whether or not it’s ripe
2. And if you want to make your avocado ripen quicker, store it in a paper bag with an apple
Have an avocado that’s still hard as a rock?
Place it in a paper bag and the ethylene gas emitted from the apple will expedite the ripening process. You can substitute apples for bananas and tomatoes, too.
Watch a tutorial here.
3. Have a banana? Here’s a hassle-free way of opening it
Simply pinch the bottom of the banana…
And your banana is ready to go!
No more trying to break the stem and mushing the top of your banana.
(Full video here.)
4. And here’s a far more efficient way of peeling an orange
No more orange juice in your eye!
5. Meanwhile, here’s how to get the most juice out of your lemon
Just make a few incisions at the top of the lemon…
And squeeze to your heart’s content!
Full list of instructions here.
6. That green leafy thing at the top of the strawberry? Get rid of it with a straw
Just stick a straw through the centre of the strawberry and, hey presto!
Full instructional video here.
7. Got a kiwi? Here’s how to open it
Cut the top and bottom of the kiwi.
Make a little incision on the side.
And use a spoon to scoop it out.
8. Keep grapes ripe by putting them in the fridge
Grapes will go off quickly if kept on a counter top, so it is advised to keep them in the fridge. (Ditto berries.)
Also, hold off on washing your grapes until you’re 100% ready to eat them.
9. Prevent your apples from browning by sticking them in a bowl of water and honey
Because there is nothing more grim than brown apple slices.
Full video here.